History Again

Our story begins in 1977 along the unforgiving, high-paced and everchanging roads of Paltan, the heart of Puran (Old) Dhaka. It was here where “Rezve and Brothers” started its journey pioneered by Alhaj SM Nazrul Islam, the loving father and grand-father of our honorable Directors. Later on, our honorable vice-chairman of WALTON Hi-Tech Industries Limited, S. M. Nurul Alam Rezvi joined the venture with a goal to expanding the family business to new levels. He had a rebellious spirit and a lofty objective to change the export-import scenario of Bangladesh. When the whole country was solely depending upon appliances imported from overseas, Mr. Rezvi dreamt of changing the market by building a self-reliant, 100% locally produced appliance factory and with this in mind he included his four brothers into the company. These five hardworking, farsighted young men worked tirelessly to give life to their brainchild and had manifested a renaissance throughout the years so WHIL could take shape.

The actual path for WHIL to ascend as the leading E&E company in Bangladesh was paved on April 17th ,2006 when it was incorporated under the companies act, 1994. The business was commenced in 2008 and exporting started soon after from 2011. Signing of agreement between WHIL and DEG, KFW Germany in 2015, was a giant leap for the export industry in Bangladesh.

Every idea starts with a problem. Our problem was simple: the E&E industry in Bangladesh was 100% dependent on import. The solution, simpler: manufacture everything in our country and meet the prevalent E&E demand. With this in mind, factories to produce refrigerators, air conditioners, televisions and motorcycles were established in Chandra, Gazipur in 2007 and with unimaginable success in business our pioneers build the first ever compressor manufacturing plant in Bangladesh in 2017. The goal of meeting customer demand was reached in 2016, when more than 60% of the total market share was led by Walton Refrigerators and Home Appliances. With this we could proudly say we implemented the solution to our problem, successfully.

WHIL has hoisted the red and green flag in the global market from the beginning of its existence having import business with more than 40 countries including India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Maldives, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Nigeria, West Africa, Australia, Europe, USA, South Africa, Singapore, Poland, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka and many more. From the beginning of our business, the Government and regulatory bodies of the People's Republic of Bangladesh has availed constant support and has an active role to pivot WALTON to its prime. With a view to reimburse to the country's economy, WHIL was enlisted as a PLC or Public Limited Company on May 14th, 2018 and started trading with DSE & CSE from September 23rd, 2020.
Vision 2030
WALTON has become a common household name in Bangladesh and we are working to imbed the scenario globally. Our goal is to become one of the top 5 leading E&E brands, globally, within the year 2030. In the age of globalization, urbanization and capitalization, WHIL reminds that there are alternative ways to revest to the world, and the people around us: through spurring and giving life to our utopian imagination.

Walton innovates to respond to the ever-changing consumer and market demands through regularly developing its Research and Innovative team and providing equality standards to people of all economic classes. Walton pioneered to forge ACs and Fridges as regular household items to low and middle-income families while those were considered luxuries in Bangladesh. WALTON’s motto is to prioritize our customers’ demands through innovating all our existing and upcoming products through extensive research and innovative brilliance.
The questions WALTON prioritizes are: what do our customers have, what do they need, and is our solution affordable to them? With our dynamic quality and compliance standards, WALTON scrutinizes its products to be pertinent to its customers’ expectations. WALTON values the demand of its customers with utmost prominence and wavers its production accordingly. Our R&I department is manifested of the most intelligent brains in the country, who work tirelessly to innovate trendsetting appliances everyday with maximal precedence to our customers.
With trailblazing products and the avant-garde facilities WALTON offers, being one of the leading E&E company within 2030 seems achievable only for the paramount research capabilities and constant contributions of the people in WALTON. We stand proud on our values, compliance, quality and innovation embedded within the organization through the ideology of 5H- House of Ethics, House of Protocol, House of Following Chain of Command, House of Norms and House of Discipline. Each of our member of the board of directors, investors and employees are an essential part of our WALTON family. With more than 25,000 family members, we pride ourselves to be a role-model in the E&E industry with a sophisticated corporate culture. WHIL recruits homegrown talents with maximum scrutiny through various evaluation processes and nurtures them through a caring and intuitive atmosphere of academic and business acumen within the 5S- School of Engineering, School of Innovation, School of Sovereignty, School of Etiquette, and School of Creativity. Our people don’t only carry the tag of WALTON, we endure the responsibility of representing our motherland on global platform as we blaze brightly hoisting the red and green flag.